Air Warrior Courage Foundation
For the month of March 2020, in the spirit of giving back, Air Warrior Coffee Company has contributed a check in the amount of $500.00 to the following non-profit foundation. Air Warrior Coffee Company and Air Warrior Courage Foundation ARE NOT connected in any way and are totally separate entities.
Where Camaraderie And Caring Continue
The Air Warrior Courage Foundation was formed by military aviators to “care for our own.” We work closely with the Red River Valley Fighter Pilots Association to do that. We focus on active duty, guard, reserve and retired military personnel and their families needing financial assistance for medical, educational, and other extraordinary expenses not covered by other military, veterans’, or charitable institutions.
All of us in the Foundation are military veterans and/or family members. As such, we have long memories of what was sometimes lacking when overseas in service to Our Country, combat or just active duty, member or family member (usually back in the states). Support from “home” – the citizens of the United States of America.
In representing Our Country, we strove to do so in the best possible manner; for example, supplying food, clothing, kitchen equipment and many other needed items to orphanages, schools and hospitals. There was nothing formal about our assistance – we were simply doing what Americans are supposed to do. In these circumstances, that meant helping our fellow-“man.”
Thankfully, our overseas troops have continued these “community support” activities, mostly without any fanfare or government assistance. So, the AWCF has supported our men and women overseas by supplying similar goods for our military to assist them in representing the American people as well as possible. The Foundation has also supported the troops by supplying pillows and the like for use in military hospitals, playing cards by the thousands and other items for their use in what “spare-time” they may have.
Would you care to assist the AWCF in its efforts to “Support the Troops?” If you have knowledge of something that might make life better for those in combat, give us a call or send an email to let us know what you know. Want to make a donation to assist in this program – we certainly hope so and will publically acknowledge your assistance.
To Donate directly