B-52 Buff Bold (Medium -Dark Roast)
B-52 Buff Bold (Medium -Dark Roast)
B-52 Buff Bold (Medium -Dark Roast)
B-52 Buff Bold (Medium -Dark Roast)

B-52 Buff Bold (Medium -Dark Roast)

Regular price $17.95

Big and Bold blend of coffees, roasted medium/dark to bring out the full flavor of each of the 3 single-origin coffees, A pre-roast blend that has medium acidity, full Heavy body, Smooth and a bold Clean finish   Blend/ medium-dark.roast.

Brewing Recommendations: Drip, French press, Cone and an exceptional as Espresso Blend 

Some the other more subtle notes you may experience:  

 DRY: whiskey barrel, Madagascar vanilla beans,

  CUP: oaky whiskey barrel, black currents, allspice, rich tobacco leaves

Like the B-52, this coffee is sure to give long-lasting results.